Conducted on behalf of UNICEF, who worked in collaboration with the Government of Malawi and SoccerAid, this project aimed to improve access to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) and child protection (CP) services in Malawi.
Evaluation Period:
November 2023 - January 2024
Assess the project's performance, implementation effectiveness, and integrated strategies.
Utilized focus groups, desk reviews, key informant interviews, observations, and household surveys to ensure inclusivity and non-discrimination.
Key Findings:
The project effectively improved WASH and CP services.
Successful use of the Theory of Change to meet targets.
Identified challenges and provided lessons learned.
Recommendations offered for future project improvements.
The evaluation was conducted on behalf of UNICEF, who worked on this initiative in collaboration with the Government of Malawi, to assess the achievements of the objects with indicators as set by its objectives. With support from the UK Government, the project aimed to create resilient, secure, and inclusive communities in Malawi. The main areas the project focused on were access to drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene and child protection services. The evaluation took place between [November 2023 and January 2024. Some of the metrics included performance metrics, implementation effectiveness, project management adequacy, integrated implementation strategies; all of which were held up against what the project had accomplished so far. Various methods were utilized to ensure that the responses were not discriminatory on any basis, including gender and disability, or in violation of any human rights. Some of the techniques were focus group discussions, desk review, interviews with key informants, observations, and household surveys. The outcome of the evaluation was a comprehensive assessment report that detailed the project's performance in establishing child-friendly, resilient communities. It analysed the effectiveness of the employed Theory of Change and assessed the achievement of anticipated results against the targets outlined in the project log frame. The report identified achievements, challenges, and lessons learned, offering recommendations for improvement in project strategies and monitoring mechanisms.
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