The performance is generally viewed in terms of “effectiveness” in achieving organizational mission, purpose, or goals.
AWF (Pvt.) Ltd tends to link the larger notion of organizational performance to the results of the particular programs. At the same time, AWF seeks performance in terms of “efficiency” in deploying resources. This relates to the optimal use of resources to obtain the results desired. Finally, to remain viable over time, AWF assesses that interventions must be both “financially viable” and “relevant” to its stakeholders and their changing needs. Effective program delivery is driven, in part, by organizational capacity, which AWF (Pvt.) Ltd understands that exists in seven basic areas: strategic leadership, human resources, financial resources, infrastructure, programming and process management, and inter-institutional linkages. Each of these seven capacity areas may be described in sub-components, for example in the organization’s strategic leadership capacity that is understood as its structure, governance, and leadership, strategic plans and niche management. For AWF, Human resources, financial resources, and infrastructure are seen as resources as well as the management of these resources. AWF harness the capacities that result from the relations, partnerships, and alliances they have established with other organizations referred to as inter-institutional linkages.